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  • blondish


How's it going? How's Monday?

I'm full of work, but very excited and happy. In Blondish we don't stop, we are already with all the production, you don't know the beautiful shoes that are going to come out, I can't wait for you to see them.

Here in New York you can already feel the cold in the streets. As you all know this wonderful city never sleeps and that's what's happening to me too. Attending fashion events, working as a stylist, preparing the entire Blondish collection leaves me almost no time to disconnect. But I'm not complaining, because I enjoy my work and I'm a very perfectionist person, who cares about every detail and that's why I dedicate all my time to my work and what I'm passionate about.

I was able to take a little time, to try the model of stiletto Helena. They are fantastic. They incorporate invisible inner platform, so they are very comfortable. I love to wear heels, but it is true that a lot of heles make my feet hurt later, after wearing them for hours. That's why I wanted to make an elegant but comfortable high heel shoe.

You can find them at and do the pre-order. Many people have tried them and told me that they fascinate you, as a high shoe can be comfortable. All Blondish shoes are made in Spain, with skins from Italy and handmade. Here I leave you some photos with them on, really, they are incredible.

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